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Learning Routine - get fit!

It is important to have a learning routine when learning German. It will keep you on track with your learning of German!

This way learning German will become more of a fun habit rather than a tedious task that you have absolutely no motivation for.

When you have a routine you will be more disciplined and the concept of “motivation” won’t be a problem for you because studying German will become second nature to you.

Everybody will have a different approach to learning and the time you decide to study depends on your situation and daily routine. Try to think back to your school days and whether you studied more efficiently in the morning or the evening. Try to pick the time of day which is more suited to you.

Whether it’s the morning or the evening, it is important to pick a day and time period to complete your homework from your German lessons (preferably soon after your lesson or at least before the night before your lesson). You may want to also revise the lesson at some point during the week to ensure you have understood everything. Therefore you’ll be able to ask questions in class and understand the content of the lesson fully.

Consistency is key when it comes to language learning. It is much better to spend 15 minutes studying German everyday than studying for 3 hours on the weekend. Whether it’s the morning or the evening, it’d be useful to pick a time period each day that you allocate to some form of German learning. If you form a habit of learning German every morning before work from 7:45-8:00, it will be easy to maintain and you will make lots of progress. You may choose to read an article from “Deutsche Welle”, revise old vocabulary or watch a Youtube video on a grammar topic that you have been struggling to understand, the possibilities are endless!

However, studying German doesn’t have to mean that you sit down. Exposure to any language will help your learning and understanding. In addition to the 15 minutes you spend physically sitting down and learning German, you may decide to listen to a German podcast such as “Easy German” while you eat your breakfast in the morning. There are lots of recommendations for podcasts on our library on our website.

You could consider watching a German film and making it a routine. Perhaps every Friday night you can watch a German film! Or when you are watching an English TV series you could turn on the subtitles in German. Not only will it improve your German, you will also pay more attention to the programme!

You should also try changing the language on your phone to German! It may be confusing at first but you will soon understand the vocabulary that is in front of you.

When going about your daily routine, challenge yourself to describe various scenes of your daily life. When you’re out and about you could also learn German by translating the objects in front of you to German. If you’re not sure of their German translation you can jot down the word in English and look it up later or check it in an online dictionary.

Thinking or talking to yourself in German can also be a great way to practice your German with little to no effort! You will be able to practice phrases and vocabulary you have learned in your German courses.

Listening to German music can also be an enjoyable way to practice your German. There are lots of great German bands and artists such as Nena, Rammstein, LEA, ....

Look at our gallery and get into your training routine!



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