The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR or CEF for short) is a standardised guide used to describe the performance of foreign language learners across Europe and beyond. At GermanMind, we naturally follow these guidelines in all our German classes and German courses.
How does it work?
Levels are divided into A1 for beginner, A2 for pre-intermediate, B1 for intermediate, B2 for advanced, C1 for advanced and C2 for master.
Like many other language schools, GermanMind divides these levels into two or more sections to accommodate students' time and budget planning (e.g. level A1 is divided into A1.1 and A1.2). This framework is one of the best for learning German for beginners.
What does it mean for you?
After completing level A2.1 you will be able to
understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, work, local area).
communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common matters.
describe in simple terms aspects of own background, immediate environment and things from the area of immediate needs.
What you will learn
As part of the A2.1 syllabus, you will learn the following (and more) at GermanMind:
Answering "why" questions; expressing the past (split verbs); describing courses of action in the past (first, then, etc.); asking if something has been done before; talking about holidays; talking about extended family; expressing "stellen" in German; talking about the location of objects and places and placing them; asking people to come in, go out, go over, etc. ); reading short messages and notes; talking about frequency; using "some" and "one" in German; naming kitchen utensils and talking about food; ordering in a restaurant, complaining and explaining; offering and refusing; talking about cause and effect (if-then); looking for jobs; talking about what to do; assigning ownership to known objects (yours, yours, etc.); saying "already" and "still" in German. ); saying "already" and "not yet"; saying "someone" and "no one"; reading news and announcements at work; talking about holidays; using reflexives ("yourself" - "yourself"); talking about interests and health; talking about activities; asking and answering questions using "where" ("for what", "on what", "with what", etc. ); talk about past and present situations and the differences between them (wanted, could, should, etc.); express what one thinks or believes (...,that...); talk about education and educational opportunities; talk about gifts and "to whom" they are given.